1985年生まれ、ポズナン(ポーランド)在住。2012年ポズナン美術大学卒業。同大学博士学位取得。主にオーディオビジュアル作品を制作する。ポズナン芸術大学のメディアアート部長。同大学にて音響スタジオ「オーディオ・スフィア」運営。音、建築、写真、彫刻など様々なメディアを使用し、コンテンポラリー・ナレーション、対人コミュニケーションの形式と言語、意味論や経済的なコミュニケーションのパターンに焦点を当てたインスタレーションを発表。国内外の多くの展覧会に参加、「セレブレーション 日本ポーランド現代美術展」2019及び龍野アートプロジェクト2020にも出品。
Born in 1985. Doctor of Fine Arts, lives and works in Poznań, Poland. Since 2011 head of Audiosphere studio at the University of Arts in Poznań. Since 2019 dean of the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia at the University of Arts in Poznań. In his work he uses various media; installation, sound, architecture. His main interest in the art field is focused on the issues of contemporary narratives. That manifest in the forms and languages of interpersonal, audio, visual, semantic and economic communication. In his work he uses and mixes media such as: sound, installation, photography, sculpture, architecture. His works have been presented at dozens of exhibitions in Poland and abroad; Japan, Kyoto Art Center, Nijo-jo Castle, The Terminal Kyoto, Italy, Dama Palazzo Paesana in Turin, Germany Melange Gallery, Cologne, Hal galleries in Berlin, China, Urumqi-Pekin, Ukraine, Lviv Palace of Art in Lvov, Egypt, Townhouse gallery in Cairo, Warsaw - Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, East Gallery, Warsaw, Poznan - National Museum, Arsenal Gallery in Poznan, Contemporary Museum in Wroclaw.